IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Border Gateway Protocol for IPv6 (BGP6)

This chapter describes Border Gateway Protocol for IPv6 (BGP6) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.



Short Syntax: BGP6.001 Bad sec code in OPEN, from neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.001 Security code in OPEN message is incorrect from neighbor neighbor

Description: The BGP RFC specifies only a single acceptable security code of 0. This message is printed if another code is received.

Cause: Neighbor sent a security code in the OPEN message that is non null.

Action: Use a router that adheres more closely to the BGP specification.



Short Syntax: BGP6.002 Bad msg hdr len, from neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.002 Message header length is incorrect from BGP6 neighbor neighbor

Description: The speaker received a message in which the header length was incorrect.

Cause: Neighbor sent an OPEN message that is of incorrect length.

Action: Use a router that adheres to the BGP specification.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.003 Unsupported BGP version, from neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.003 Unsupported BGP version request from neighbor neighbor

Description: The current version supported by BGP is version 4. No other version support exists. This message is printed when a neighbor requests a lower version of BGP.

Cause: Neighbor is requesting a version of BGP, which is unsupported.

Action: Neighbor router must be configured for the proper version.



Short Syntax: BGP6.004 Bad marker fld, from neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.004 Marker field is incorrect from neighbor neighbor

Description: The only supported marker field is 16 octets of all ones. This message is printed when any other value is received.

Cause: Neighbor is using an incorrect marker field.

Action: Use a router that adheres to the BGP specification.



Short Syntax: BGP6.005 Bad AS num, from neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.005 Bad AS number from neighbor neighbor

Description: This message is printed when the neighbor's AS number in OPEN message does not match the configured value for that neighbor.

Cause: Neighbor is using an AS that does not match the configured value.

Action: Make sure that the neighbor and this router have properly configured AS numbers.



Short Syntax: BGP6.006 Bad ID from BGP6 neighbor neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.006 Bad identifier from BGP6 neighbor neighbor

Description: This message is printed when the neighbor and this speaker have the same BGP identifier. Since this is used to resolve TCP connection collisions, this is an illegal configuration.

Cause: Neighbor is using a BGP identifier that is the same as this one.

Action: Make sure that the neighbor and this router have properly configured IPv4 addresses which are used as the BGP identifiers in IPv6.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.007 Conn err to neighbor; clsg with notify

Long Syntax: BGP6.007 Closing connection to neighbor neighbor with notification

Description: Some error in the connection Finite State Machine resulted in this message.

Cause: An error in the connection Finite State Machine resulted in connection termination.

Action: Note other connection errors that occur with this event.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.008 Conn err to neighbor; clsg with no notify

Long Syntax: BGP6.008 Closing connection to neighbor neighbor without notification

Description: Some error in the connection Finite State Machine resulted in this message, usually because this speaker received a NOTIFICATION message and there is no reason to send another one back to the neighbor who sent this.

Cause: An error in the connection Finite State Machine resulted in connection termination.

Action: Note other connection errors that occur along with this one.



Short Syntax: BGP6.009 Foreign close from neighbor sprt sourceport dprt destinationport

Long Syntax: BGP6.009 Foreign close from neighbor neighbor source port sourceport destination port destinationport

Description: The speaker just received a foreign close.

Cause: Neighbor is issuing a close.

Action: Neighbor should issue a close after a notification or during BGP6 ID negotiation. If this is the case, no action is necessary. If a connection closes for reasons other than these, the neighbor is in error.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.010 Reinit BGP6 conn to neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.010 Reinitialize the BGP6 connection to neigbor neighbor

Description: If a previous connection to this neighbor resulted in termination, the speaker reinitiates the connection. This message is printed when this occurs.

Cause: Speaker is reinitializing a connection to this neighbor after an initial failure.

Action: None, unless this happens many times with no connection to the neighbor.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.011 Conn to neighbor clsg with no notify

Long Syntax: BGP6.011 Connection to neighbor neighbor closing with no notification

Description: Probably in response to a NOTIFICATION message received from the other end, the router is closing the BGP6 connection to the neighbor without sending a notify.



Short Syntax: BGP6.012 No conn listen can be done

Long Syntax: BGP6.012 No connection listen can be done

Description: Something is preventing the speaker from issuing a listen.

Cause: Probably an internal error in the TCP subsystem. Also, the router could be low on memory.

Action: Check for low memory. If memory is low, check the BGP6 config statistics for memory utilization. A large number of neighbor connections can conceivably use up memory.



Short Syntax: BGP6.013 TCP open fail to neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.013 TCP open failure to BGP6 neighbor neighbor

Description: The BGP6 speaker initiates a tcp_listen request in order to receive connection requests from neighbors. This message is printed when the invocation to this function fails.

Cause: The open to the TCP subsystem failed.

Action: Serious problem. Check amount of heap memory available to router.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.014 Conn timer fired for neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.014 Connection timer fired for neighbor neighbor

Description: A connection timer is used to continue attempts to make active connections from this speaker to this neighbor. The firing of this timer causes the speaker to quit the previous tcp_open and issue another tcp_open.

Cause: The connection timer fired because no neighbor connection was completed in the specified time.

Action: None. Connection process will continue until connection to neighbor completes.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.015 conn to neighbor open on sprt sourceport dprt destinationport

Long Syntax: BGP6.015 connection to neighbor neighbor open on soure port sourceport destination port destinationport

Description: An OPEN message has been received on this connection for this neighbor.

Cause: The connection to the neighbor has completed successfully.

Action: None. This is an informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.016 OPEN sent to neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.016 OPEN message sent to neighbor neighbor

Description: When a connection is opened, the speaker sends an OPEN message to the neighbor. This message is printed when this happens.

Cause: This is part of the connection process.

Action: None. This is an informational message.



Short Syntax: BGP6.017 Bad msg len from neighbor sprt sourceport dprt destinationport

Long Syntax: BGP6.017 Bad message length received from neighbor neighbor source port sourceport destination port destinationport

Description: The message length is checked when received. This message is printed if the length of the received message is smaller than the expected message header size.

Cause: This is probably caused by some device driver error or defect in the software either with the speaker or the neighbor.

Action: Determine if this happens with other neighbors. If yes, suspect some problem with this router; else, there is probably a problem with the neighbor. This is a serious error that might require information from many sources.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.018 Resending OPEN message to neighbor without capabilities negotiation.

Long Syntax: BGP6.018 Resending OPEN message to neighbor without capabilities negotiation.

Description: If the BGP6 peer responds to the initial OPEN with a notification indicating Unsupported Capabilities, the OPEN is resent without the Capabilities negotiation option.

Cause: Received notification from BGP6 peer that capabilities negotiation is not supported.

Action: None. This is an informational message.



Short Syntax: BGP6.019 Bad msg type from neighbor sprt sourceport dprt destinationport

Long Syntax: BGP6.019 Bad message type from neighbor neighbor source port sourceport destination port destinationport

Description: BGP messages can be only of four types: OPEN, UPDATE, NOTIFICATION, and KEEPALIVE. This message is printed if the type is something other than the ones expected.

Cause: Since message types are among the most basic pieces of BGP information, this is probably the result of a garbled message.

Action: Determine if this happens with other neighbors. If yes, suspect some problem with this router; else, there is probably a problem with the neighbor. This is a serious error that requires information from many sources.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.020 BGP6 init

Long Syntax: BGP6.020 BGP6 initialization

Description: This message is printed when BGP6 has been enabled.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.021 No capabilities option received from neighbor neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.021 No capabilities option received from neighbor neighbor

Description: BGP6 expects to receive a capabilities optional parameter on the OPEN specifying support for IPv6. For interoperability, if no capabilities options is sent, the connection is still accepted.

Cause: No capabilities optional parameter.

Action: None.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.022 Conn Cls to neighbor; clsg with notify cease

Long Syntax: BGP6.022 Closing connection to neighbor neighbor with notification cease

Description: User disabled the neighbor and hence this message.

Cause: User disabled the neighbor and hence this message.

Action: None.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.023 Nbr neighbor disabled or deleted

Long Syntax: BGP6.023 Neighbor neighbor is disabled or deleted

Description: The neighbor record has been found, but the neighbor is disabled or deleted.

Cause: The user has disabled or deleted the neighbor.

Action: None.



Short Syntax: BGP6.024 Attr len too long from neighbor, len length

Long Syntax: BGP6.024 Attribute length too long from neighbor neighbor, length length

Description: The length of the path attributes exceeds the length in the header.

Cause: Either the speaker or the neighbor has garbled the message.

Action: The user should suspect data corruption with the speaker or neighbor. Check the quality of link.



Short Syntax: BGP6.025 mand attr without trans bit set from neighbor, attr attribute_type

Long Syntax: BGP6.025 mandatory attribute without transitive bit set from neighbor neighbor, attribute type attribute_type

Description: The neighbor has sent a mandatory attribute with the non-transitive bit set. This is a violation of the specification.

Cause: This is so basic to the protocol that the user would have to suspect some data corruption in the neighbor or the speaker.

Action: The user should suspect data corruption with the speaker or neighbor. Check the quality of link.



Short Syntax: BGP6.026 Mand attr with partial bit set from neighbor, attr attribute_type

Long Syntax: BGP6.026 Mandatory attribute with partial bit set from neighbor neighbor, attribute type attribute_type

Description: The neighbor has sent a mandatory attribute with the partial bit set. This is a violation of the specification.

Cause: This is so basic to the protocol that the user would have to suspect some data corruption in the neighbor or the speaker.

Action: The user should suspect data corruption with the speaker or neighbor. Check the quality of link.



Short Syntax: BGP6.027 Opt non-trans attr with partial bit set from neighbor, attr attribute_type

Long Syntax: BGP6.027 Optional non-transitive attribute with partial bit set from neighbor neighbor, attribute attribute_type

Description: The neighbor has sent an optional attribute with the partial bit set. This is a violation of the specification.

Cause: This is a basic protocol violation and the user should suspect data corruption in the neighbor or the speaker.

Action: The user should suspect data corruption with the speaker or neighbor. Check the quality of link.



Short Syntax: BGP6.028 Origin path attr with bad len from neighbor, len length

Long Syntax: BGP6.028 Origin path attribute has bad length from neighbor neighbor, length length

Description: The origin attribute must be one byte long. This attribute has a different length.

Cause: This is a basic protocol violation and the user should suspect data corruption in the neighbor or the speaker.

Action: The user should suspect data corruption with the speaker or neighbor. Check the quality of link.



Short Syntax: BGP6.029 Origin path attr with bad type from neighbor, origin origin_type

Long Syntax: BGP6.029 Origin path attribute with bad type from neighbor neighbor, origin origin_type

Description: The origin attribute contains an unidentified origin type.

Cause: This is a basic protocol violation.

Action: Use a router that adheres to the BGP specification.



Short Syntax: BGP6.030 Dupl AS in path attr from neighbor, pathlen AS_path_length

Long Syntax: BGP6.030 Duplicate AS in path attribute from neighbor neighbor, path length AS_path_length

Description: The neighbor has sent an AS path attribute with a duplicate.

Cause: The AS path attribute contains a loop as evidenced by a duplicate AS. A speaker should never advertise a path with a duplicate AS.

Action: The probability of data corruption causing a duplicate is low. The problem may be with the neighbor. Since this is a core function of BGP, the neighbor may be operating with a defective implementation and must be corrected.



Short Syntax: BGP6.031 Bad next hop attr len from neighbor, len length

Long Syntax: BGP6.031 Next hop attribute with bad length from neighbor neighbor, length length

Description: The next hop should be the length of an IP address. This attribute has an incorrect length.

Cause: The neighbor has sent a next hop attribute with an incorrect length. This could be the result of data corruption.

Action: If the length field is completely garbled, suspect data corruption with the speaker or the neighbor. If the length field is off by a byte, suspect a protocol violation by the neighbor.



Short Syntax: BGP6.032 Bad next hop attr from neighbor, next hop next_hop_attribute

Long Syntax: BGP6.032 Bad next hop attribute from neighbor neighbor, next hop next_hop_attribute

Description: The next hop attribute is of proper length, but has been determined to be incorrect.

Cause: The neighbor has sent a next hop address, which is ours or a subnet address.

Action: If the address is our address, the neighbor is in definite violation of the protocol. If the address is a subnet, the neighbor is probably in violation.



Short Syntax: BGP6.033 Bad mult exit disc attr len from neighbor, len length

Long Syntax: BGP6.033 Bad mult exit disc attribute length from neighbor neighbor, length length

Description: The mult exit disc attribute length is incorrect.

Cause: The neighbor has sent a mult exit disc attribute with the incorrect length.

Action: If there is a wide discrepancy between the expected and the received length, suspect data corruption in the speaker or the neighbor; otherwise, if the difference in length is only one, the neighbor is probably in violation of the protocol.



Short Syntax: BGP6.034 Bad local pref attr len from neighbor, len length

Long Syntax: BGP6.034 Local preference attribute has bad length from neighbor neighbor, length length

Description: The local preference attribute length is incorrect.

Cause: The neighbor has sent a local preference with an incorrect length.

Action: If there is a wide discrepancy between the expected and the received length, suspect data corruption in the speaker or the neighbor; otherwise, if the difference in length is only one, the neighbor is probably in violation of the protocol.



Short Syntax: BGP6.035 Bad atom aggr attr len from neighbor, len length

Long Syntax: BGP6.035 Atomic aggregate attribute has bad length from neighbor neighbor, length length

Description: The atomic aggregate attribute should be of length 0, but has a length different than 0.

Cause: The neighbor has sent an incorrectly formatted atomic aggregate attribute.

Action: If there is a wide discrepancy between the expected and the received length, suspect data corruption in the speaker or the neighbor; otherwise, if the difference in length is only one, the neighbor is probably in violation of the protocol.



Short Syntax: BGP6.036 Bad aggr attr len from neighbor, len length

Long Syntax: BGP6.036 Aggregator attribute has bad length from neighbor neighbor length length

Description: The aggregator attribute has an incorrect length.

Cause: The neighbor has sent an aggregator attribute with the incorrect length.

Action: If there is a wide discrepancy between the expected and the received length, suspect data corruption in the speaker or the neighbor; otherwise, if the difference in length is only one, the neighbor is probably in violation of the protocol.



Short Syntax: BGP6.037 Bad hold tim val timer_value from neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.037 Received bad hold timer value timer_value from neighbor neighbor

Description: The speaker received an OPEN message that has unacceptable hold timer value.

Cause: Neighbor sent an OPEN message that has incorrect hold timer value.

Action: Use a router that adheres to the BGP specification.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: BGP6.038 Withdraw NLRI destination_net len destination_mask_len updt for nbr neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.038 Withdraw NLRI destination_net len destination_mask_len UPDATE for neighbor neighbor

Description: The Network Layer Reachability Information has been added to the list of unfeasible routes in the new UPDATE message being constructed for this neighbor.



Short Syntax: BGP6.039 Unrecog well knwn attr from neighbor, attr attribute_type

Long Syntax: BGP6.039 Unrecognized well-known attribute from neighbor neighbor, attribute attribute_type

Description: The well-known attribute is unrecognized.

Cause: The neighbor has sent a well-known attribute that is unrecognized.

Action: Since this would be a basic protocol violation, the user should suspect data corruption with the speaker or the neighbor.



Short Syntax: BGP6.040 Dupl attr from neighbor, attr attribute_type

Long Syntax: BGP6.040 Multiple attributes from neighbor neighbor, attribute attribute_type

Description: Duplicate path attributes were found in the UPDATE message.

Cause: The neighbor has sent an UPDATE message with a duplicate path attribute.

Action: The neighbor should be checked, since this is a protocol violation.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: BGP6.041 Add NLRI destination_net len destination_mask_len updt for nbr neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.041 Add NLRI destination_net len destination_mask_len UPDATE for neighbor neighbor

Description: A new Network Layer Reachability Information has been added to the list of NLRIs associated with a particular attribute list in the new UPDATE message being constructed for this neighbor.



Short Syntax: BGP6.042 No NLRI in UPDATE from neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.042 No Network Layer Routing Information in UPDATE from neighbor neighbor

Description: The UPDATE message had no network layer routing information.

Cause: The neighbor sent an UPDATE message with path attributes but no routing information.

Action: The neighbor should be checked for a protocol violation.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.043 NLRI NLRI rejected by receive policy from neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.043 Network Layer Routing Information NLRI rejected by receive policy from neighbor neighbor

Description: The Network Layer Routing Information described by the path attribute has been rejected after applying policy.

Cause: Policy configuration commands have resulted in this NLRI described by the path attribute to be rejected.

Action: None, unless this NLRI should have been included.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.044 New or updtd RIB entry NLRI from neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.044 New or updated RIB entry NLRI from neighbor neighbor

Description: A NLRI has passed filters and is being put into the Routing Information Base.

Cause: The neighbor has sent an UPDATE message with NLRI and path that is acceptable by receive policy rule definitions.

Action: None, unless this NLRI should have been excluded.



Short Syntax: BGP6.045 Bad aggregate net aggregate_net mask aggregate_mask

Long Syntax: BGP6.045 Bad aggregate net aggregate_net mask aggregate_mask

Description: An aggregate has been configured that the router cannot use. This is probably due to misconfiguration. The aggregate is ignored.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.046 Notify rcvd from neighbor, err error_code: sub_code

Long Syntax: BGP6.046 Notify received from neighbor, error code error_code, subcode sub_code

Description: A NOTIFICATION message has been received from the neighbor. This terminates the BGP6 connection, and usually indicates some kind of error. The error code and subcode can be found in the BGP specification, giving the exact reason for the notification.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.047 Accept dest destination from IP fw tbl

Long Syntax: BGP6.047 Destination destination from IP forwarding table included

Description: The speaker has just included this destination, as directed by internal policy.

Cause: The internal policy can specifically include destinations.

Action: None, unless the internal policy should have excluded this destination.



Short Syntax: BGP6.048 BGP6 spkr unable to get mem

Long Syntax: BGP6.048 BGP6 speaker unable to get memory

Description: BGP6 was unable to allocate the necessary memory. BGP6 is unable to run because of this.

Cause: There is a shortage in heap memory, possibly because too many memory intensive forwarders/protocols are running.

Action: Disable unnecesary forwarders/protocols or get more memory.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.049 Closing conn to neighbor sprt sourceport dprt destinationport; conn collision

Long Syntax: BGP6.049 closing connection to neighbor neighbor source port sourceport destination port destinationport because of connection collision

Description: BGP6 is removing a duplicate connection to this neighbor because of a connection collision.

Cause: Multiple TCP connections can form during the original neighbor connection establishment.

Action: None. Collisions can occur and the BGP RFC describes procedures to decide which connection wins.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.050 UPDATE(s) sent to neighbor, len message_length

Long Syntax: BGP6.050 UPDATE(s) sent to neighbor neighbor, length message_length

Description: One or more BGP6 UPDATE messages are being queued to the given neighbor. This occurs only on topology changes. The length of the entire collection of UPDATE messages is displayed.



Short Syntax: BGP6.051 Unexp event; nbr neighbor ev event st state

Long Syntax: BGP6.051 Unexpected event; neighbor neighbor event event state state

Description: An event not handled by this BGP6 implementation has occurred. This indicates a software error, and should be reported to Customer Service.

Cause: See description

Action: See description


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.052 UPDATE rcvd from neighbor, len message_length

Long Syntax: BGP6.052 UPDATE received from neighbor neighbor, length message_length

Description: BGP6 UPDATE message of a given length has been received from the given neighbor. This indicates some kind of topology change.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.053 Del BGP6 route to network

Long Syntax: BGP6.053 Deleted BGP6 route to network network

Description: The BGP6 route to the given network is no longer valid, and has been deleted from the IP routing table.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.054 BGP6 state change; nbr neighbor ev event oldst oldstate newst newstate

Long Syntax: BGP6.054 BGP6 state change; neighbor neighbor event event old state oldstate new state newstate

Description: The state of the connection to this neighbor has just changed.



Short Syntax: BGP6.055 Ext nbr neighbor not on cmn net

Long Syntax: BGP6.055 External neighbor neighbor is not on common network

Description: External neighbors must share a common network with the router, else the neighbor will be ignored. The neighbor's address on the common network must be configured in the "BGP6 Config> add neighbor" command.

Cause: May be the neighbor common network address is not configured.

Action: Check the neighbor address configuration.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.056 OPEN rcvd from neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.056 OPEN received from neighbor neighbor

Description: BGP6 OPEN message has been received from the given neighbor. This indicates that the neighbor wishes to initiate a conversation.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: BGP6.057 KEEPALIVE rcvd from neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.057 KEEPALIVE received from neighbor neighbor

Description: BGP6 KEEPALIVE message has been received from the given neighbor. These are sent and received periodically in order to ensure that the BGP6 connection is still in tact.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.058 Notify sent to neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.058 Notify sent to neighbor

Description: A NOTIFICATION message has been sent to the neighbor. This terminates the BGP6 connection, and means that we have encountered an unrecoverable error, probably the reception of bad data from the neighbor. A previously displayed ELS message indicates the exact nature of the error.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: BGP6.059 KEEPALIVE sent to neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.059 KEEPALIVE sent to neighbor neighbor

Description: BGP6 KEEPALIVE message has been sent to the given neighbor. These are sent and received periodically in order to ensure that the BGP6 connection is still in tact.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.060 Couldn't add net network mask mask

Long Syntax: BGP6.060 Couldn't add network network mask mask to routing table

Description: Router unable to add a network that was received in a BGP6 UPDATE message to its routing table. This is either because the routing table overflowed, or because the network number was badly formed.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.061 No mem for UPDATE to neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.061 No memory for UPDATE to neighbor neighbor

Description: Unable to get memory to send an UPDATE message to peer. Router will continue to retry. If message persists, router may have run out of available memory.



Short Syntax: BGP6.062 Rej nbr neighbor, not in nbr tbl

Long Syntax: BGP6.062 External neighbor neighbor is not in the neighbor table

Description: External neighbor is trying to establish a BGP6 connection with this speaker, which does not have the neighbor in the configuration.

Cause: Neighbor parmeters are not configured in both speaker.

Action: Check the neighbor configuration in both speakers.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.063 Pasv conn exists for neighbor; new pasv conn closed

Long Syntax: BGP6.063 Passive connection already exists for neighbor neighbor; new passive connection is closed

Description: A passive TCP connection already exists for this neighbor, but the neighbor has tried for another passive connection. The new connection will be closed.



Short Syntax: BGP6.064 Hold tmr exp for neighbor clsng conn

Long Syntax: BGP6.064 Hold timer expired for neighbor neighbor; closing connection

Description: No KEEPALIVE message has been received from this neighbor. Thus, the KEEPALIVE Timer expires and the connection will be closed.

Cause: See description

Action: Make sure neighbor is up and running BGP.



Short Syntax: BGP6.065 Attr addr family not supported from neighbor, af address_family

Long Syntax: BGP6.065 Attribute address family not supported from neighbor neighbor, af address_family

Description: The address family in the MP_REACH_NLRI or MP_UNREACH_NLRI attribute is not supported.

Cause: Either the speaker or the neighbor has garbled the message.

Action: The user should suspect data corruption with the speaker or neighbor. Check the quality of link.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: BGP6.066 Send NLRI NLRI rejected by policy for neighbor neighbor

Long Syntax: BGP6.066 Send NLRI NLRI rejected by policy for neighbor neighbor

Description: The Network Layer Routing Information will not be sent to this neighbor due to send policy rules.

Cause: Applying Send Policy has resulted in this NLRI to not be sent to this neighbor.

Action: None, unless this NLRI should have been sent.

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